About Us

Meet the Founders:

Ovicore was founded by Hudson Byrd and Sidiq Moltafet in order to bring augmented reality into the learning environment. In just over a year, Ovicore has garnered more than 3000 pre-registrations and has provided hundreds of students with an innovative approach to learning.


A software development company dedicated to advancing education through the use of augmented reality (AR) technology. Our mission is to bridge the gap between cutting-edge technology and traditional education by providing universities with access to modern tools and resources.

Our Focus

Our focus on AR technology is rooted in the belief that immersive and interactive learning experiences can be more effective than traditional methods. In fields such as science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), visualizing complex concepts can be challenging, and that's where AR comes in. By bringing AR technology to educational institutions, we aim to enhance learning outcomes and prepare students for the future.

Immersive, Interactive, and Innovative

We are passionate about revolutionizing education through technology and believe that AR has the power to transform the classroom and beyond. Contact us to learn more about our services and how we can help bring the power of modern tech to your university.

© Ovicore Technologies.